hypnotherapy florida

My Journey of Infertility Part 3

I have been avoiding this blog post. I knew I needed to finish writing this part, but for me, this was one of the most difficult memories. I was unprepared for the miscarriage experience and it had a lot of long-term mental health affects.  From the doctor’s estimation, we could

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My journey of Infertility Part 2

Welcome back! Thanks for sticking around for part two of my infertility journey. Perhaps you or a friend have gone through something similar. I hope that by reading these blog posts, you realize that you are not alone with your experiences and feelings.  In the last post, I was diagnosed

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My journey of Infertility Part 1

As the title might indicate, I have had issues with infertility. Difficulties getting pregnant and staying pregnant would soon define my twenties.   I do not wish miscarriage on my worst enemy. It is a horrible experience for any woman to go through and it took me over a decade for

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What Was My First Time In Hypnosis Like

Resigning from teaching was one of the scariest leaps of faith I have taken. I have been working since I was fifteen years old and I enjoyed being financially independent. I had a mortgage payment, a two year old, and a small homestead that my husband and I were trying

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Why I Left My Dream Job

This is the story of why I left my dream job. I have dedicated half of my life to working with children and adults with special needs, with a wide variety of disabilities. I started as a Special Olympics Swim Coach and fell in love with this population of unique

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